"Electrifying" your home with the energy of the Holy Spirit

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A home without a lit oil lamp in front of icons is cold and dark, but when you have a lit oil  
lamp in front of your icons, you are giving yourself a physical reminder of the energy of
the Holy Spirit in the home.
We should "electrify" our homes, to have the energy of the Holy Spirit in them, with holy
icons, oil lamps, holy water, incense and our prayers.
In a home where there is blasphemies and yelling, it is natural that it will have an energy
opposite to that of the energy of the Holy Spirit.
If there is one person in that home, who takes care to resist the energy of Satan, that
person will pray in the home, will have icons, will take care to sprinkle the home with holy
water, then the Grace of God will defeat the presence of the devil.
We must acquire the blessed habit of receiving the sanctifying Grace of the Mysteries of
the Church. In our homes we must have holy water, dried up antidron, and every
morning, every morning we must before we leave to go to work, to devote a minute to
prayer, to consume the antidron, to drink our holy water, and you know what - our entire
lives will change! As well as the future life of our families! Thus making our homes into a
little church.

"Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

Mathew 28:19