Adult Baptisms


After the completion of the course the candidate receives baptism by full immersion in a big built-in baptismal font.  Baptism is usually done in group or individual form depending on the candidate's desire.  The neophyte is given a white garment to wear on baptism day. See photo gallery.

During baptism the presence of a sponsor/God father is indispensable.

At the Baptism ceremony the sponsor should provide the candidate with the following:

a) Baptismal garment (this is provided by the church)
b) A cross - preferably gold or silver
c) Candle - preferably pure wax
d) A large bath towel
e) A small hand towel
f) A small bottle of olive oil
g) One soap
h) New white clothes to put on after baptism
i) Extra underwear
j) A pair of slippers