5 steps to Joy!

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Archimandrite Markella (Pavuk)
After the Fall of Adam and Eve, all of their descendants, us included, are doomed to all kinds of hardships and sorrows in life, which ultimately end in death. It seems that there absolutely no reasons for joy. But did the Lord God really create man to mock him so severely?
It is, of course, not so. For the sake of man’s salvation from sin, the curses, and death, the Lord Himself endured terrible sufferings and death on the Cross. All who sincerely believe in Him and try to fulfill His holy commandments are given blessedness and joy in this life and in the future, eternal life.
Having sinned, we immediately punish ourselves: Our body undergoes all kinds of illnesses, and the soul falls into sorrow and despondency. To dispel sadness, unbelievers come up with different entertainments for themselves, beginning with music, song, and dance, and ending with the unlimited consumption of alcohol or drugs. But in most cases, this multiplies sorrow. This isn’t about it being forbidden to man to listen to music, to sing, to dance, and to drink alcohol. All problems begin when man delights in nothing but these things: neither his family and friends, nor his work. “You are my kin and friend as long as you give me money and treat me to wine, with or without reason, and when you fulfill all my wishes. If you don’t want to listen to me, and make a feast for me or share financially, then you’re worse than an enemy.” But can you really live so bleakly and materialistically?


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If you are interested to enjoy the beauty of fall season and experience the traditions of Cyprus come and join us at our trip which will be held 

on Sunday the 22nd .  Departure time/venue: 10.40am from St. Panteleimonas Church.  (immediately after the English liturgy)  

Program:  We will first visit the monastery/convent of St, Heraklidios.  After venerating the relics of the saint and visiting the crypt where the saint was burried 

we will head on to the village of Pharmakas.  We will have lunch at the house of fr. Ioannis' parents - (you will be given the chance to meet his parents too).  

After lunch we will go to the village of Kambi (5 minutes drive) to participate in the activities of the GRAPE FESTIVAL.  

Bare feet grape pressing, shoushoukos making, palouzes making (grape cream), zivania making process, dances by a cypriot traditional group and many other surprises.  

No entrance fees and you will be given the chance to try fresh wine, zivania and many other Cypriot delights made by the villagers!  

Please bring finger food to share!

If you want to join us, please send a message to 99463030 (fr. Ioannis) specifying if you will need a ride or whether you will bring your own car.   Please notify also 

what food you will bring.  We look forward to seeing you!! 

How do deal with the crisis in a spiritual manner

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Indeed we are presently facing some tough times which affect everyone. It seems that we are all aboard a ship- the ship is our small country- sailing in rough seas without knowing where we are or where we are heading to. Whenever certain hardships afflict a country, a family, a society they are real and painful. One does not offer consolation, however, by saying that nothing is happening. The correct way is to recognize that we are facing certain hardships and to look for ways to deal with them.
When a country or a person faces hardship and is troubled and suffers, is worried and faces dire consequences, this does not mean that everything was caused by God, because God does not wish to make people suffer, neither does He cooperate with the tribulation which is afflicting us. Hardship, anxiety and suffering never originate from God but are either caused by the devil or by our own actions.

"Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

Mathew 28:19